
February 27, 2019

IJNR Workshop: Living with Wildfire

The Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources (IJNR) invites journalists to register for Living with Wildfire workshop, to be held in Missoula, MT in Apr 4-6, 2019. Registration opens at noon (MST) Feb 27 and the registration link will be sent to the first 20 qualified applicants. The registration form is now viewable and interactive. You can upload your resumé, clip, and payment information at any time this morning. Then, precisely at noon (MST), hit "submit."

Topics on the Beat: 

California’s Wildfire Risk Is Rising. Congress Missed A Chance To Help.

"Forestry experts have a dire warning for California: the conditions are ripe for more catastrophic fire seasons like the one last fall. And an arcane federal funding arrangement is making it a lot harder for forestry officials to do something about it. Instead of fixing the problem, however, Congress just punted — again."

Source: McClatchy, 02/09/2018


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