Journalism & Media

How — And Why —To Avoid Jargon When Covering Climate

Climate change reporting is sometimes peppered with jargon that confounds rather than clearly communicates. Audiences may miss not just one story’s message, but lose interest in the broader topic. Contributor Rebecca Hersher, a science reporter for National Public Radio, writes how the public’s connection with climate information increases when both journalists and scientists strive to replace elite terminology with simple and accurate language.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Now Maskless, What Are Schools Doing in the COVID-19 Era About Clean Indoor Air?

As schools (and many other institutions) around the United States relax mask mandates, questions remain about how they will keep indoor air clean and safe. The latest TipSheet takes a look at the often-underestimated risks of indoor air pollution, as well as well-known practices to clean it up. Get story ideas and resources for reporting on schools in your community.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Parks and Complications — Planning Stories Around Our Nation’s Green Spaces

As more Americans make their way to the nation’s parks (and every other variety of outdoor locales), big budget bumps may not be enough to tackle a variety of ongoing worries, from overcrowding and climate change impacts to maintenance backlogs and political backlash. The latest Issue Backgrounder looks over the state of our nation’s parks.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Why the Latest TRI Update Should Be in Your Sights for Stories

Each year brings another update of the Toxics Release Inventory database. And each year, it gets ignored or downplayed by too many news outlets. As the new Reporter’s Toolbox points out, not only does the latest iteration of TRI have some notable updates but it also offers plenty of room for localizable stories. Here’s how to mine the resource.

SEJ Publication Types: 
April 6, 2022

DEADLINE: IJNR Workshop — Wildfire on the Range

The Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources invites journalists to an expenses-paid workshop in Boise, Idaho, May 11-13 2022, to meet with wildfire experts, travel into the field and hear firsthand from those tasked with managing fire and mitigating its impacts. Priority will be given to journalists of color. Apply by Apr 6.

Topics on the Beat: 
May 1, 2022

DEADLINE: Oregon State University Food and Agriculture Media Fellowship

Oregon State University invites journalists worldwide to apply for this expenses-paid fellowship, Aug 7-10, 2022, exploring the state's wide range of food and agriculture research, ranging from hops to hemp to wine grapes. Apply by May 1.



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