"Fauci on What Working for Trump Was Really Like"
"From denialism to death threats, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci describes a fraught year as an adviser to President Donald J. Trump on the Covid-19 pandemic."
"From denialism to death threats, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci describes a fraught year as an adviser to President Donald J. Trump on the Covid-19 pandemic."
"The new president is unwinding Trump’s climate change legacy while forging his own". The Washington Post has launched a tracker that may update individual Biden actions to roll back Trump rollbacks.
The Biden administration has moved rapidly to reset energy and environment policies dramatically shifted by the Trump White House. But how quickly can such a reversal occur, what are the priorities and what are the critical pathways for change? To help sort out the latest news and track larger trends, SEJournal offers this overview and analysis, part of our extensive “2021 Journalists’ Guide to Energy & Environment.”
A case study in how journalists can center environmental news around social justice is at the heart of a new volume of scholarly essays reviewed in the latest BookShelf. While its tale of rural residents poisoned by contaminants is decades old, its lesson of what happens when power players bank on media acquiescence holds for stories of today.
"The last story I wrote before Donald Trump was elected president, four years and two months ago, was about the Obama administration’s claim that it had approved 60 renewable energy projects on public lands, capable of powering up to 5 million homes. I scrutinized those numbers, finding they dramatically overestimated the outgoing president’s accomplishments."
On Jan 21, 2021, SEJ wrote President Biden and Vice President Harris, petitioning them "to commit your administration to restoring openness and transparency throughout the federal government, and by your words and actions, to help restore respect for the vital role journalists play in our democracy" and providing concrete steps to do so. Read full text of the letter.