Journalism & Media

Climate Narrative Gets to the Personal Behind the Public

When the New York Times Magazine published “Losing Earth: The Decade We Almost Stopped Climate Change” as its full issue in August 2018, the reaction to Nathaniel Rich’s piece was immediate and polemic. Today, as some analysts speak of Joe Biden’s efforts to position himself as “the climate President,” SEJournal asks Rich to explain his contribution to the public conversation on policy, action and climate.

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Midnight Deregulation Zombie Horror Show Begins

A rush of last-minute regulatory (and deregulatory) actions are underway in the waning days of the Trump administration. And the latest TipSheet has suggestions not only for how to keep track, but also how to bird-dog the numerous ways the incoming Biden administration might try to reverse Trump’s course.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Biden Presidency a New Era of Open Government?

As a new Biden administration prepares for office, WatchDog issues a call for restoring open government. The latest opinion column puts forward a list of 20 recommended actions that include outlawing assault on journalists, clearing FOIA backlogs and counteracting ag-gag laws. Plus, an updated reporter’s Bill of Rights for government press offices.

SEJ Publication Types: 
November 24, 2020

SEJ Webinar: Post-Election Reality Check — A Green Recovery for All?

With the 2020 election results in, environmental journalists want to know what’s on the agenda for the next four years. Join us Nov 24, 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET for an #SEJ2020 webinar for journalists seeking to report on the connections between climate, COVID-19 and the economy.


"Danly To Cancel FERC Press Briefings"

"Newly appointed Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Chairman James Danly (R) has canceled the agency's monthly media briefings and will not take interviews with the press, according to an announcement yesterday that drew criticism from advocates for government transparency."

Source: E&E News, 11/17/2020

For Waste Industry, PFAS Disposal Leads to Controversy, Regulation, Mounting Costs

The toxic compounds known as PFAS are causing a crisis in the waste and recycling industry, which faces mounting regulation and litigation over handling its presence in the waste stream. One reporter on the PFAS front lines explains the industry’s dilemma, as well as the challenges of covering the story and how a financial prism led to important insights into industry’s response.

SEJ Publication Types: 
February 7, 2025

DEADLINE: Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute Fellowships

The annual RJI Fellowships are for individuals or organizations with an innovative journalism project idea that could also benefit the industry: a 12-month residential option at the Missouri School of Journalism (up to $100,000 stipend), plus nonresidential and institutional options ($25,000). Deadline: Feb 7, 2025.

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