Journalism & Media

Science Committee Chair Threatens EPA Over 'Stonewalled' Answers

"Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas), the chairwoman of the House Science, Space and Technology Committee, said she is “deeply troubled” by the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) lack of cooperation with lawmakers in a letter sent Thursday to EPA chief Andrew Wheeler. Johnson said the EPA's failure to provide requested information to her committee represented an “obstruction of Congress,” and she threatened “compulsory measures” if it does not provide previously requested information by July and August deadlines.

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Access To Agency Scientists Shrinks. Congress May Change That

EPA scientists commonly tell reporters they are not allowed to talk to media without permission from the agency's press office. Now congressional Democrats have introduced a bill reinforcing the right of scientists to talk to reporters.

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Senators Introduce FOIA Bill To Challenge EPA Rule, Supreme Court

"Senators from both sides of the aisle are backing a bill to strengthen the public’s ability to obtain government records, seeking to counteract recent changes that make it easier for the Trump administration to withhold information."

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Group Files Suit Asking Court To Strike Down EPA FOIA Rule

A good-government advocacy group filed suit July 23, arguing that EPA's June 26 Freedom of Information Act rule had been issued illegally and violated FOIA law. The group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) asked a federal district court in D.C. to strike down the new EPA rule.

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IG Investigates Whether Interior Officials Violated Transparency Laws

"The Interior Department’s internal ethics watchdog has opened an investigation into whether top Trump appointees at the agency have violated federal open-record laws by withholding or delaying the release of public documents, emails and policy memos."

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Topics on the Beat: 

Group Files Suit Asking Court To Strike Down EPA FOIA Rule

A good-government advocacy group filed suit July 23, arguing that EPA's June 26 Freedom of Information Act rule had been issued illegally and violated FOIA law. The group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) asked a federal district court in D.C. to strike down the new EPA rule.

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 07/24/2019

IG Investigates Whether Interior Officials Violated Transparency Laws

"The Interior Department’s internal ethics watchdog has opened an investigation into whether top Trump appointees at the agency have violated federal open-record laws by withholding or delaying the release of public documents, emails and policy memos."

Source: NY Times, 07/24/2019

SEJ Initiatives Help Freelancers Survive, Thrive

With the continued decline in staff jobs at U.S. newspapers and other media across the country, freelancers are hitting the streets in growing numbers. The latest Freelance Files takes a closer look at how membership in the Society of Environmental Journalists can benefit journalists who freelance.

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Topics on the Beat: 

Bikes Make Path for Local Environment Stories

When it comes to bringing environmental stories home to your audience, don’t soft-pedal the topic of bicycling. Bikes are a way in to the issue of climate, as well as health and infrastructure. The most recent TipSheet has more on why you can ride the bike beat for your local reporting

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