Journalism & Media

November 20, 2012

Remembrance and Journalism: Interviewing Survivors of Trauma

Interviewing survivors: a Canadian Association of Journalists/Ryerson University panel discussion on best practices and ethical considerations of journalism and remembrance at Ryerson in Toronto, Ontario, Canada from 6:30-9 p.m. (doors open at 6 p.m.)

Topics on the Beat: 

State, Federal Whistleblower Rules a Key Tool for Journalists

Watchdog group Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility's new guide to state whistleblower laws starts with a map — click on any state to link to its whistleblower law and other related info. Federally, there is currently a bill in play in Congress which would strengthen the notoriously weak federal whistleblower protections.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Journalists Complain About PIO "Minders"

Gripes about PIO policies are not new. Now an article in the Society of Professional Journalists' Quill magazine takes the complaint to a higher level, arguing PIO restrictions are not aimed at access and accuracy, and urging journalists to resist the PIO requirements in their own work — and to work together nationally to elevate the PIO censorship issue.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Watching Sandy, Ignoring Climate Change"

"A couple of weeks ago, Munich Re, one of the world’s largest reinsurance firms, issued a study titled 'Severe Weather in North America.' According to the press release that accompanied the report, 'Nowhere in the world is the rising number of natural catastrophes more evident than in North America.' The number of what Munich Re refers to as 'weather-related loss events,' and what the rest of us would probably call weather-related disasters, has quintupled over the last three decades."

Source: New Yorker, 10/31/2012

"Art That Irked Energy Execs Is Gone, but Wyoming Dispute Whirls On"

"LARAMIE, Wyo. -- The idea behind the sculpture that appeared on the University of Wyoming campus about 16 months ago was simple but provocative: a swirl of dead wood and lumps of coal, intended to show the link between global warming and the pine beetle infestation that has ravaged forests across the Rockies."

Source: NY Times, 10/30/2012

'Frankenstorm' Newspaper Coverage Ignores Connection To Climate Change

"Media have dubbed the hurricane barreling toward the mid-Atlantic and northeast a 'Frankenstorm.' But despite the hysteria surrounding Hurricane Sandy, not one major newspaper has reported the scientifically established link that carbon pollution fuels more extreme weather."

Source: Climate Progress, 10/29/2012

"Penn State Climate Scientist Files Defamation Suit"

"Penn State University scientist Michael Mann, whose work showed that Earth’s temperatures have risen along with increased fossil fuel use, announced Tuesday he had filed a lawsuit against the conservative National Review and the Competitive Enterprise Institute for defamation, complaining that they falsely accused him of academic fraud and compared him to convicted child molester Jerry Sandusky."

Source: McClatchy, 10/24/2012

"Google's Street View Goes Into The Wild"

"Google's Street View maps are headed into the backcountry. Earlier this week, two teams from Google strapped on sophisticated backpacks jammed with cameras, gyroscopes and other gadgets and descended to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. But this is just the first step in the search giant's plan to digitally map and photograph the world's wild places."

Source: NPR, 10/24/2012


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