Journalism & Media
Media On the Move: New Projects, Jobs and Awards for SEJ Members
Research Roundup: Newspaper Coverage of Environment Praised While Officials Were Unresponsive in Cancer Cluster Cases
The Biz: Change Most Definitely Has Come. Now What?
Journalists by their very nature love change. Change is news. Change is good. And now change is everywhere. Bud Ward reports.
The Beat: SEEEJ? News Convergence — the Three Es of Environment, Energy and Economy
Science Survey: Epigenetics...Understanding Chemicals' Newly Recognized Future Effects
Nation's Energy Future Holds Promise for E-Journalists
SEJ's annual conference helps reporters understand complex subjects like coal, nuclear power and climate change — and the Obama administration's stance thereon. SEJ President Christy George explains.
2003 Archives: SEJ Speaks on FOI Issues
November 12, 2003
SEJ letter re: withdrawal of web access to Congressional Research Service reports
The SEJ Freedom of Information Task Force wrote letters today to congressmen Christopher Shays (R-CT) and Mark Green (R-WI) protesting the withdrawal of web access to Congressional Research Service reports.
2004 Archives: SEJ Speaks on FOI Issues
September 10, 2004
SEJ opposes rider with new FOIA exemption for satellite data and studies on Earth resources
The Society of Environmental Journalists joined other journalism groups September 10, 2004, urging Congressional leaders to strip a new FOIA exemption for certain satellite data on the Earth's resources from the 2005 Defense Authorization Bill (S 2400).
2005 Archives: SEJ Speaks on FOI Issues
November 15, 2005
SEJ joins call for post-Katrina FEMA contract disclosure
SEJ joined a number of open-government groups in urging President Bush to post online full copies of all contracts and other paperwork authorizing spending for relief and recovery efforts following Hurricane Katrina.