"In Alabama, Another Small-Town Paper Hit In ‘Open Season’ On Free Press"
"It’s an increasingly familiar drama: Local authorities go after journalists and publishers of small papers, which find themselves on the First Amendment’s front lines."
"It’s an increasingly familiar drama: Local authorities go after journalists and publishers of small papers, which find themselves on the First Amendment’s front lines."
"Chris Gloninger was excited to start his new job as chief meteorologist at KCCI, a TV station in Des Moines, when he moved to Iowa in 2021. He was coming from Boston to connect the dots between weather and climate change trends. Gloninger knew it might elicit some grumbling from Iowan viewers."
To make climate change less abstract and more direct, writer Madeline Ostrander traveled the country to speak to those living with its impacts in the places they call home. In a BookShelf “Between the Lines” Q&A, Ostrander discusses her resulting book, “At Home on an Unruly Planet: Finding Refuge on a Changed Earth,” and addresses the lenses she used, the characters she portrayed and the surprises she encountered.
In the second of two parts on how to report locally on wetlands permitting, the latest Reporter’s Toolbox helps you muck around an Army Corps of Engineers “permit finder” database that’s accurate and particularly good for zooming in on map-based geographic data. Plus, see the part one TipSheet on how reemerging wetlands controversy brings the issue to your area.
"Elon Musk’s social media company X filed a lawsuit against liberal advocacy group Media Matters for America on Monday, saying it manufactured a report to show advertisers’ posts alongside neo-Nazi and white nationalist posts in order to “drive advertisers from the platform and destroy X Corp.” Media Matters, a Washington, D.C.-based non-profit, called the lawsuit “frivolous.”"
Rona Kobell is the co-founder and president of the Environmental Justice Journalism Initiative, a nonprofit that focuses on storytelling, science and youth engagement, and seeks to help communities tell their own stories about environmental injustices in Baltimore and beyond. You can help support journalists like Rona by giving to SEJ programs, Fund for Environmental Journalism, annual conference diversity travel fellowships, members-in-need fund or creating a legacy with a free will.
The Society of Environmental Journalists serves as a convenor for thought-provoking conversations that strengthen and support environmental journalism. This Code of Conduct is to establish a baseline of expectations for everyone at an SEJ event, and detail consequences for those who choose not to uphold those expectations.
"A new report details a growing fad among a certain sect of conspiracy-minded health and lifestyle influencers on Instagram: climate denial".
Sarah Sax is an award-winning freelance journalist and video producer based in Brooklyn, N.Y. She covers environmental change and climate justice, with a soft spot for stories at the intersection of food production, land rights and climate change. You can help support journalists like Sarah by giving to SEJ programs, Fund for Environmental Journalism, annual conference diversity travel fellowships, members-in-need fund or creating a legacy with a free will.
"A Republican-controlled Texas State Board of Education on Friday rejected seven of 12 proposed science textbooks for eighth graders that for the first time will require them to include information on climate change."