Journalism & Media

Help SEJ Support Journalists Like Amy Westervelt

Amy Westervelt is an award-winning investigative journalist and executive producer of the independent podcast production company Critical Frequency, which specializes in reported narrative podcasts. You can help support journalists like Amy by giving to SEJ programs, Fund for Environmental Journalism, annual conference diversity travel fellowships, members-in-need fund or creating a legacy with a free will.

Topics on the Beat: 

#SEJSpotlight: Karla Mendes, Investigative Reporter, Mongabay; SEJ Board of Directors, DEI Chair; Rainforest Investigations Network Fellow, Pulitzer Center

Meet SEJ's first Brazilian and Latin American board member, Karla Mendes! Karla is an award-winning Brazilian journalist working as an investigative reporter for Mongabay and a fellow of the Pulitzer Center's Rainforest Investigations Network. She was recently the first Brazilian and Latin American elected to the SEJ board. Karla was also nominated SEJ's Second Vice President and Chair of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee.

Topics on the Beat: 
December 13, 2023

SEJ Webinar: Learn How To Apply for Report for America Job Openings

Learn about Report for America and how to apply for more than 50 full-time journalism positions, including 11 environmental positions offered through a partnership with the University of Missouri School of Journalism and the Society of Environmental Journalists. These 11 positions are part of the Mississippi River Basin Ag & Water Desk, a collaborative network meant to boost coverage of environmental and agricultural issues throughout the river basin. 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET.

January 16, 2024

DEADLINE: George R.R. Martin Summer Intensive Writing Workshop

Mid-career journalists who want to write a novel or fictional prose are invited to apply for this workshop, Jul 10-17, 2024, at Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications in Evanston, Ill. Fully funded by "Game of Thrones" author Martin, pictured left. Deadline: Jan 16.

Topics on the Beat: 

Reporter Unravels Complex Dynamic Between Climate Change and Nature

Nature-based climate solutions have become a much-talked-of topic, one that journalist Gabriel Popkin turned into a loose beat through which to explore the complicated realities beyond some easy narratives. The resulting stories were published widely to high praise, and in the latest Inside Story Q&A, Popkin spoke about his efforts and offered up five critical factors for producing original, impactful journalism.

SEJ Publication Types: 

How the Simple Backyard Bird Feeder Can Lift Local Environment Reporting

If a remedy for global environmental woes is needed, look no farther than the feathered creatures that flit colorfully about the local winter landscape, drawn by feeders multiplied by the lockdown. The new TipSheet explores how backyard birding offers opportunities for how-to or why-to stories that can offer deeper ecological insights. Ten story ideas and a half-dozen resources to get you started.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 

"Ohio Fails to Pass Restrictions on College Teaching About Climate Policies"

"Ohio lawmakers have failed, at least for now, to pass a bill that would exert control over discussion of “controversial beliefs” about climate policies in college classrooms."

Source: Inside Climate News, 12/04/2023

"This Documentary Shows The Huge Stakes Of Fighting For A Free Press"

"In the fall of 2019, journalists at Mvskoke Media, the news outlet covering the Muscogee (Creek) Nation in Oklahoma, were documenting a dramatic election season while also facing a tough fight to safeguard their right to report the story."

Source: HuffPost, 12/04/2023


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