Journalism & Media

Oil Firms Helped Craft Texas’ New Waste Rules For 2 Years Before The Public

"State regulators on Monday released their draft rules for what to do with all the hazardous oilfield waste that’s left over once a well is drilled. The announcement gives the public one month to comment on the new rules — while some industry representatives started giving input more than two years ago, documents and interviews show."

Source: Texas Tribune, 10/05/2023
October 6, 2023

DEADLINE: Oxford Climate Journalism Network

This Reuters program supports a global community of reporters and editors to improve the quality, understanding and impact of climate coverage around the world. Structured around an online course, leadership programs, mid-career journalist fellowships and academic research. Apply by Oct 6.

October 13, 2023

DEADLINE: Michelle Lang Fellowship

Early-career journalists: Apply for this paid, virtual fellowship, working stints for the National Post and Postmedia. Learn the differences in reporting for a major metro market and for a national audience, and deliver a special project on a topic of primary importance to Canadians. Apply by Oct 13, 2023.

Topics on the Beat: 
October 26, 2023

Webinar: How To Cover Conservation Technology

Conservation technology is a constantly evolving field with new and improved methods for tracking, tracing and cataloging wildlife. Mongabay's latest webinar aims to simplify the latest trends and give reporters story tips and important guidance for their reporting. 10:00 a.m. EDT.


Wildfire DisInformation Becomes a State Weapon, Aided by AI

How did the Lahaina wildfire spark an AI-driven influence campaign out of China? Perhaps a technological leap. Or perhaps, the new WatchDog Opinion column suggests, a natural evolution of a decades-old disinformation playbook with roots in a war against science and culminating in climate denial. A look at the disturbing prospects and a plea for journalists not to sidestep the phenomenon but to cover it.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Fat Bear Week 2023 Is Upon Us. Here’s What You Need To Know."

"It’s the most wonderful time of the year — Fat Bear Week 2023 is here. The annual competition, hosted by the Katmai National Park and Preserve, pits brown bears against each other in a virtual bracket as they stock up for hibernation."

Source: Philadelphia Inquirer, 10/03/2023
October 9, 2023

Webinar on New & Innovative Climate Solutions

Hosted by the Jerusalem Press Club, the webinar, at 12:00 PM EST, is an opportunity for journalists specializing in climate-change issues to meet with five of 130 international and Israeli climate start-ups that will be showcased during the PLANETech World gathering in mid-October.

October 5, 2023

Environmental Storytelling and the Future of Clean Water

At 5:00 p.m. ET, SEJ board member Sara Shipley Hiles is leading the Smith/Patterson Science Journalism Lecture with filmmakers Duy Lin Tu and Sebastian Tuinder speaking about their project, “Poisoning the Chesapeake,” followed by Mizzou students on their “Price of Plenty” project.


Unique Podcast Team Gives Voice to Troubled Communities Near Declining Salton Sea

In the Coachella Valley east of Los Angeles, the massive Salton Sea is rapidly drying up, threatening vulnerable immigrant communities in a growing toxic environment. The Living Downstream podcast reported extensively on these hazards, winning third place in the Society of Environmental Journalists’ Awards for Reporting on the Environment’s explanatory reporting, small, category, in 2022. Inside Story spoke with one of the prizewinners.

SEJ Publication Types: 

CDC Data Offer Multiplicity of Starting Points for Environmental Health Stories

For reporters seeking stories that connect environmental and health issues, there may be no better — or more wide-ranging — place to start than with high-quality data from the Centers for Disease Control’s wide range of datasets. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox looks into where the CDC’s data originates from and how that affects its usefulness, and offers up a helpful overview of CDC data surveys.

SEJ Publication Types: 


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