Journalism & Media

Disabilities and Disasters — What Questions Should You Be Asking Planners?

As hurricane season ramps up, how are the disaster planners considering those with disabilities in your community? Texas-based journalist Greg Harman shares the story of one group that sued their city over claims it failed to properly prepare. And he extracts some rules of thumb to help determine if emergency planners are taking those with disabilities into consideration where you are.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Rachel Carson Environment Book Award: SEJ 22nd Annual Awards for Reporting on the Environment

The Society of Environmental Journalists is pleased to announce the Rachel Carson Environment Book Award winners of the 2023 SEJ Awards for Reporting on the Environment. See what environmental reading you'll want on your nightstand next and hear from the first-place winner.

Topics on the Beat: 

SEJ Members: Volunteer To Organize an #SEJWebinar

Your unique experiences and insights can inspire and empower fellow members of SEJ. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce the launch of our newly redesigned webinar format, focusing on our members and your stories. Check out the first in this new format, “Covering Contaminated Sites in Your Community” with SEJ member Jordan Gass-Pooré. Learn more.

Topics on the Beat: 
October 28, 2023

NAHJ Workshop in Chicago: Breaking Boundaries for Media Equality

The National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) invites midwest-area journalists to attend a free half-day, in-person training at DePaul University. Keynote is 'Fact-checking isn't just for fact-checkers,' with presenter Monique Curet, assistant editor at PolitiFact.

Topics on the Beat: 
September 26, 2023

Time and Project Management for Freelancers With The Writers' Co-op

If you feel like you could benefit from more ideas on how to manage your time or projects, join The Writer's Co-op for a webinar to help you better understand ways to improve your workflow as a freelancer. 3:00-4:00 p.m. ET.



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