Journalism & Media

April 3, 2024 to April 7, 2024

#SEJ2024 Annual Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Join us for SEJ's 33rd annual conference, hosted by the University of Pennsylvania! Mid-Atlantic journalists have much to share with you about their corner of the world: the huge national battle over fracking and LNG versus renewable energy, such as wind and solar; the paradox of a city that wants to be modern and future-facing but is held back by issues of poverty, environmental racism, infrastructure challenges and development problems; flooding and sea level rise; pollution and land management; and much more.

Topics on the Beat: 

"China Sows Disinformation About Hawaii Fires Using New Techniques"

"Beijing’s influence campaign using artificial intelligence is a rapid change in tactics, researchers from Microsoft and other organizations say."

"When wildfires swept across Maui last month with destructive fury, China’s increasingly resourceful information warriors pounced.

Source: NYTimes, 09/13/2023

Free Press Nearly Impossible With Corporate Business Model

It may seem like fast-moving technology that’s undermining traditional news outlets. But for WatchDog Opinion, it may be more about the notion of news as property, rather than a public good. Could nonprofit newsrooms — many of which cover energy and the environment — be a better model? And is there a funding mechanism that would support them sustainably … and permanently?

SEJ Publication Types: 

One Grant, Multiple Stories

Seattle-based correspondent Brett Walton has a habit of adding extra days to his reporting schedules. In this FEJ StoryLog, Walton shares how he used one such buffer to stretch a grant and produce not just one story on California’s small drinking water systems, but a second on the aftermath of wildfire on another town’s water system, plus finish a third pending project on household water debt.

SEJ Publication Types: 

#SEJSpotlight: Emilio Godoy, Freelance Journalist

Meet SEJ member Emilio Godoy! Emilio has been a journalist since 1996. Based in Mexico, since 2007 Emilio has focused his work on the socio-economic and environmental effects of the climate crisis, the need to move towards a low-carbon economy, and sustainable development modalities in Mexico and Latin America.


Waste Incineration May Put Toxics Into Local Air

Sometimes on the environment beat, what seems like an old story is perpetually new again. That’s the case with waste incineration, finds the latest TipSheet. Rather than being reduced, incinerators are just being transformed, with the ongoing burning of plastics especially troubling for the environment and public health. Get the backstory on where the regulatory regime may have holes, plus key reporting angles and story ideas.

SEJ Publication Types: 
September 13, 2023

Webinar: Federal and State Lobbying — Efforts to Influence by Energy and Environmental Interests

OpenSecrets invites journalists looking to add a money-in-politics angle to their stories to their Lobbying Data Masterclass Series. On Sep 13, 1:00 pm ET, they'll explore tools and unique datasets to empower journalists investigating political influence in the energy and environmental sector.



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