Journalism & Media

How To Power Through Your EPA Power Plant Rule Coverage

The new proposed limits on climate pollution from existing power plants will be a significant story for years to come, but one with many moving parts and numerous complications. The new Issue Backgrounder explores the larger context and history of the proposed rule, and provides six key developments to watch as you track its evolution.

SEJ Publication Types: 

CAFO SNAFU — Why Emissions Data Are So Hard To Find

Sometimes the challenge for environmental reporters is a mess of data. But sometimes it’s just less data. That’s the case with confined animal feed operations, which have been the subject of a years-long political tug of war over tracking emissions harmful to humans and the environment. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox explains, then offers alternate sources for CAFO data.

SEJ Publication Types: 
June 30, 2023

DEADLINE: Eyewitness Photojournalism Grant

Diversify Photo and the Pulitzer Center invite applications from photojournalists worldwide for stories on systemic and underreported issues in our communities, including but not limited to racial justice, climate change, environmental justice, gender equality and human rights. Three $3,000 awards. Deadline: Jun 30, 2023.

May 15, 2024

DEADLINE: New England First Amendment Awards

The New England First Amendment Coalition seeks nominations to award journalists whose work has promoted and defended the First Amendment and has advocated for the public's right to know about government. Nominations due May 15, 2024.

Topics on the Beat: 
May 28, 2024

DEADLINE: Nova Institute for Health’s Media Fellowship

This fellowship for US-based print, broadcast and digital journalists aims to increase public understanding of the complex, intertwined connections between the health of people, places and the planet. Includes stipend of $100,000 over 12 months plus travel expenses. Deadline: May 28, 2024.


Ads Claiming Products Are Carbon Neutral By Using Offsetting Face UK Ban

"Adverts that claim products are carbon neutral using offsets are to be banned by the UK’s advertising watchdog unless companies can prove they really work, the Guardian can reveal, as Gucci becomes the latest company to struggle with a high-profile environmental commitment based on offsetting."

Source: Guardian, 05/16/2023

When Extreme Weather Amplifies Hazardous Waste Threats

Toxic waste is bad enough when it’s in one spot. But it can be even more dangerous when it is made mobile by climate-induced natural disasters. The latest TipSheet looks at just a few of the problems that can arise — or have already arisen. Plus, story ideas and reporting resources to cover this issue in your locale.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Grant Prompts Improved Coverage of Indigenous Perspectives at Bears Ears

Inspired by a discussion at a Society of Environmental Journalists conference, freelancer Rico Moore (pictured, left) applied for a Fund for Environmental Journalism grant to report on Bears Ears National Monument. Then, armed with advice for better covering Indigenous communities and Native American tribes, Moore found a new way to write about the cultural and environmental richness of those lands. His experience, in the new FEJ StoryLog.

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Tilling the Storytelling Fields on the Food, Ag and Environment Beat

In his more than a decade at the helm of the Food & Environment Reporting Network, Samuel Fromartz was instrumental in shaping a new way of covering food, agriculture and environmental issues. As he prepares to turn over the top editor’s job to his successor, Fromartz talks about FERN’s innovative business model and the power of narrative.

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