Natural Resources

June 19, 2009 to June 20, 2009

First Annual Mountain Aid Benefit Concert

This fundraising event is dedicated to ending mountaintop removal and "creating a clean energy future." Speakers include Judy Bonds, Ed Wiley, Maria Gunnoe and Larry Gibson.

Top 10 Endangered Southern Areas

The Southern Environmental Law Center's top 10 places in America's South that face "immediate, potentially irreparable threats in 2009" represent a cross-section of the major environmental issues facing these states.
SEJ Publication Types: 

SEJournal Spring 2000, Vol. 10 No. 1

In this issue: Smog lingers over Houston–media muddle Bush's record as air progress slows; Green space may calm and cool us; Journalists probe environmental justice issues; Land use in the West; The award-winning beryllium story; Montana mine's toxic legacy; Tracking campaign cash; What was behind EPA blackout? and more. Download the PDF here.

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