People & Population

EPA Asks for Comment on School Siting Guidelines

This guidance would provide insights and reduce threats when competing forces — such as land availability, cost, timing, vehicle and utility access, zoning, and developer cooperation — drive decision makers to build a school at a site that may pose a toxic threat to the children and staff.

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Coal Ash Raises Environmental Justice Issues in Rural Maryland

"The winding Mataponi Creek looks clear in the sunlight, with marsh grasses lining its banks. But some of the coal ash waste from a nearby power plant is also coursing through its waters, and residents are worried it is contaminating their well water."

Source: Wash Post, 11/22/2010
November 23, 2010

Free Webinar: Reconnecting Nature and Culture

Earthscan would like to invite you to join a free webinar presented by the authors of Biocultural Diversity Conservation and Sacred Natural Sites. The event will explore the important relationship people have with nature and how vital it is for the future of our natural world.


EPA Gives Public an Environmental Justice Mapping Tool: EJView

This new tool allows any user online to create custom study areas based on a wide range of variables: address, ZIP code, county, city, township, facility, watershed, or geographic coordinates. Other environmental data can then be mapped onto that study area.

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