
"Senate Dems Introduce Water Bill In Light Of Flint Crisis"

"A group of Senate Democrats introduced a bill Wendesday to invest in water infrastructure and remove lead from pipes around the country. The bill would pump $7 billion a year into water infrastructure repair work and lead programs through loans, grants and tax credits for states."

Source: The Hill, 04/22/2016

"AG Schuette: Flint Water Charges Only The Beginning; More To Come"

"Three officials responsible for maintaining safe water in Flint tinkered with evidence, tweaked testing and misled county and federal officials, helping to set in motion the contamination of the city's drinking water with lead, according to criminal charges filed by Michigan's chief law enforcement official Wednesday."

Source: Detroit Free Press, 04/21/2016

The U.S. Has Been Emitting A Lot More Methane Than We Thought, Says EPA

"The Environmental Protection Agency has released a major upward revision to its estimates of total emissions of methane, a hard-hitting if short-lived greenhouse gas, in an annual inventory that the agency submits to the United Nations. The revisions will further up the stakes in a political battle over regulations that the agency is preparing to issue that could affect operations at thousands of oil and gas wells."

Source: Wash Post, 04/19/2016

"Michigan Urges Toughest Lead Rules In US After Flint Crisis"

"Michigan would have the toughest lead-testing rules in the nation and require the replacement of all underground lead service pipes in the state under a sweeping plan that Gov. Rick Snyder and a team of water experts unveiled Friday in the wake of Flint's water crisis."

Source: AP, 04/18/2016


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