
Pesticides A Concern for Aquatic Life in Most U.S. Urban Streams: Study

"Some of the more than 500 million pounds (220 million kg) of pesticides used yearly in the United States are concentrated at levels that pose a concern for fish and water-dwelling insects, the U.S. Geological Survey report on pesticides from 1992 to 2011 said. The levels seldom topped human health standards."

Source: Reuters, 09/12/2014

"Free Speech Case Springs From Fracking Dispute"

"Steve Lipsky’s tainted water well had already stirred national debate about the impacts of oil and gas production. Now it stars in a free speech dispute that has landed in Texas’ highest court – the biggest test of a state law meant to curb attempts to stifle public protest."

Source: Texas Tribune, 09/10/2014

West Virginia: "DEP Plans To Tailor Chemical Tank Inspections"

"CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Department of Environmental Protection officials plan to announce as early as Tuesday a proposed rule outlining a focused plan for mandated inspections of thousands of chemical storage tanks across West Virginia and — Tomblin administration officials hope — ease concerns about implementation of the state’s new tank safety law."

Source: Charleston Gazette, 09/10/2014

Lead Doesn't Just Kill Birds, It Scrambles Everything Key To Survival

"NORTH GRAFTON, Mass. – By the time the veterinarian saw the Canada goose, it was starving. Lumpy bulges ran the length of its neck, from its white chinstrap to its shrunken breast. It was too weak to squabble – so sluggish, in fact, that the veterinarian could scoop up the goose and move it to the stainless steel table without throwing a blanket over it."

Source: EHN, 09/10/2014


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