
Super-Heated Year Ahead on Energy & Environment News

The Biden administration has moved rapidly to reset energy and environment policies dramatically shifted by the Trump White House. But how quickly can such a reversal occur, what are the priorities and what are the critical pathways for change? To help sort out the latest news and track larger trends, SEJournal offers this overview and analysis, part of our extensive “2021 Journalists’ Guide to Energy & Environment.”

SEJ Publication Types: 
March 17, 2025

DEADLINE: Taylor/Blakeslee University Fellowships

The Council for the Advancement of Science Writing annually awards $6,000 fellowships to both professional journalists and students of outstanding ability who have been accepted for enrollment in U.S. graduate-level science writing programs to help with tuition and other expenses. Apply by Mar 17, 2025.

Topics on the Beat: 

"EPA’s ‘Secret Science’ Rule Taken to Court by States, Cities"

"A coalition of 18 states, one county, and the nation’s three biggest cities sued the EPA on Tuesday in New York federal court over a final rule that restricts how science can be used in future agency rulemaking."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 01/20/2021

How Trump Admin’s Climate Denial Left Its Mark on The Arctic Council

"Talk of global warming was out, and relations among the eight countries that make up the council, once a highly collaborative group and a steady force for climate action, became dysfunctional."

Source: Inside Climate News, 01/14/2021

Climate Scientists, Mothers, Urge Americans To Act

"The ad opens with two apple-cheeked little girls hiking, camping and taking their wobbly first turns on skis. A mother speaks about her children’s future with worry in her voice. You brace yourself for the inevitable pitch to buy life insurance or an SUV. Instead, the ad, which will debut this week in the swing states of Arizona, North Carolina and Wisconsin, is one of the most sophisticated and well-funded efforts to spread the word on the urgency of climate change in a decade."

Source: LA Times, 01/13/2021

"A Late Burst of Climate Denial Extends the Era of Trump Disinformation"

"Two Trump administration officials have been reassigned over the posting of debunked papers, with the imprimatur of the White House, that questioned the scientific consensus on climate change."

Source: NYTimes, 01/13/2021


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