
August 15, 2010 to August 20, 2010

2010 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings

Cutting the 'Footprints' of Buildings
October 6, 2009 to October 7, 2009

Gearing Up for a Low Carbon Economy

The Canadian Institute's conference will offer an in-depth look at how Canadian and U.S. carbon initiatives compare and contrast, and the most up-to-date carbon policy information from both sides of the border.
October 5, 2009 to October 9, 2009

AMA Conference on Radar Meteorology

An American Meteorological Society meeting.
Topics on the Beat: 
September 28, 2009 to September 29, 2009

9th Annual Aquifer Storage Recovery Conference

Scientists, engineers, planners, water-resource managers, and concerned citizens will focus on Florida's water future.
Topics on the Beat: 
August 18, 2009

Ground Source Heating and Cooling for Residential and Commercial Properties

Geothermal industry and agency professionals will define geothermal "state of the art".
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