
Post-COVID-19 City Design May Transform Built Environment

In the aftermath of the pandemic, the so-called built environment is likely to get a thorough reexamination, whether it’s to reconsider commuting, shopping, recreation, eating out or taking in sporting events. Our latest Issue Backgrounder looks at the top ways coronavirus will force us to rethink our cities and how we live in and travel through them.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"U.S. House Democrats Unveil $1.5 Trillion Infrastructure Plan"

"U.S. House of Representatives Democrats on Thursday unveiled a $1.5 trillion infrastructure bill that they will seek to pass in coming weeks, arguing it has been made more urgent by the coronavirus pandemic."

Source: Reuters, 06/19/2020

Pandemic Pushes Bikes Into New Popularity. Will It Last?

Commuters seeking social distancing want them. City dwellers drawn to nearly car-free streets want them too. But the boom in bikes long pre-dates the COVID-19 outbreak, and their eco-friendly reputation offers environment reporters numerous smart local story angles, per the latest TipSheet. Get context, plus numerous story ideas and resources.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"House Democrats To Unveil Green Infrastructure Bill This Week"

"House Democrats plan to release a massive green infrastructure package this week, an aide confirmed to E&E News, ending months of anticipation among transportation and infrastructure advocates."

Source: E&E Daily, 06/03/2020

"Water, Highway Bills Among Must-Pass Legislation, Hoyer Says"

"House Democrats will focus this summer on passing essential legislation, including the Water Resources Development Act, a highway reauthorization bill, and appropriations measures, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said Tuesday."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 05/27/2020


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