"Some of Arizona’s Most Valuable Water Could Soon Hit the Market"
"A small tribal community along the Colorado River could become a major player in the state’s water supply."
"A small tribal community along the Colorado River could become a major player in the state’s water supply."
"A new study suggests that estimates of the health of the world’s fisheries may be too optimistic."
"A U.S. judge at the urging of environmental groups has thrown out an assessment by a federal agency governing how endangered and threatened marine species should be protected from oil and gas drilling in the Gulf of Mexico."
"Extreme weather alerts for dangerous heat, wildfires, storms, flooding and other hazards have affected nearly everyone in the United States over the past few months."
Alexandria, Va., is almost finished digging a 2.2-mile tunnel to fix its combined sewer overflow problem..
"New analyses reveal that 4.4 billion people across low- and middle-income countries — over half of the world’s population — don’t have safe household drinking water."
"Summer now has a darker side – or rather a too-brightly burning and dangerously hot side. And that side is making summer the most dangerous season of the year. This month’s bookshelf focuses on two summer dangers: heat waves and wildfires."
"Eighty years ago, the United States and Mexico worked out an arrangement to share water from the two major rivers that run through both countries: the Rio Grande and the Colorado. The treaty was created when water wasn't as scarce as it is now."
"Watchdogs are raising new concerns about legacy contamination in Los Alamos, the birthplace of the atomic bomb and home to a renewed effort to manufacture key components for nuclear weapons."