Water & Oceans

Ingredients of Dispersants Used on Gulf Spill Are Secrets No More

"U.S. EPA has quietly released a full list of ingredients in the two controversial dispersants BP PLC is using to combat the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, following weeks of complaints from members of Congress and public health advocates that the dispersant manufacturer had kept its complete formula a secret from the public."

Source: NYTimes, 06/10/2010

Manufacturing Plants Are Source of Drugs in Waterways

Wastewater treatment plants can't mitigate the problem, which is compounded by other sources of water contamination, such as drugs that end up in landfills or flushed down toilets, and metabolites or unutilized drugs that pass through people who take the drugs.

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"Federal Funding Cuts Leave Oceanographers, Spill Responders in Dark"

Jane Lubchenco, the administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), told reporters yesterday that funding cuts in recent years for instrumental ocean observation programs have left scientists trying to track the movement of spilled oil partly in the dark.

Source: Greenwire, 06/04/2010


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