"Ex-Koch Engineer To Lead EPA Office On Scientific Research"
"A former Koch Industries chemical engineer will soon be leading the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) main office for scientific research."
"A former Koch Industries chemical engineer will soon be leading the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) main office for scientific research."
"Nitrogen fertilizer is a disaster. Abandoning it would be a bigger disaster. Now a dozen billionaires are funding an alternative."
"Killer whales are in deep trouble because of persistent chemical pollution in the environment, researchers say."
"The ditch that runs behind Domonic Tillman’s childhood home kept him busy on most summer days. ... But as he grew older, Tillman developed an acne-like rash that never went away."
"Just three years ago, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency declared that St. John the Baptist Parish had the highest cancer risk from airborne pollutants of any similar jurisdiction nationwide because of the “likely carcinogen” chloroprene, resulting in controversy and a federal lawsuit aimed at a local chemical plant."
"The Trump administration has completed a detailed legal proposal to dramatically weaken a major environmental regulation covering mercury, a toxic chemical emitted from coal-burning power plants, according to a person who has seen the document but is not authorized to speak publicly about it."
" The federal government has asked four families to leave their homes in Cheraw after finding industrial poisons spread from a contaminated Superfund cleanup site during Hurricane Florence."
"The Vancouver School Board is planning to entirely eliminate the presence of lead in all school drinking water after the board voted yes to several water-safety motions at the Sept. 24 board meeting."
"ANN ARBOR, MI - Ann Arbor officials are taking additional steps to ensure city residents are drinking safe water, spending another $850,000 to try to better filter out harmful PFAS chemicals."
"The weedkiller glyphosate decreases microorganisms in honey bee guts and these changes leave them more susceptible to death, according to a new study."