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"E.P.A. Faces Bigger Tasks, Smaller Budgets and Louder Critics"

"Under fierce attack from the political right, and with even some Democrats questioning its competence, the Environmental Protection Agency is facing a tumultuous election year — with rising regulatory responsibilities, falling budgets and its very existence at stake."

Source: NY Times, 03/21/2016

"Will Trade Trump Climate Pact?"

"TransCanada’s lawsuit over Keystone XL is the tip of the iceberg: Protections in two new trade deals could undermine limits in the freshly minted Paris climate pact, as investors safeguard 'expected profits'".

"A powerful legal tool designed to protect foreign investors could undermine commitments made in Paris last month to rein in climate warming emissions.

Source: Daily Climate, 01/08/2016

"Jeb Bush Energy Plan Emphasizes Jobs, Lower Prices"

"Republican U.S. presidential candidate Jeb Bush will lay out energy policy proposals on Tuesday that seek to spur job growth and take aim at President Barack Obama's plan to limit carbon emissions from power plants."

Source: Reuters, 09/29/2015

"China Climate Announcements Turn Tables on U.S. Congress Foes"

"Donald Trump was succinct last week when asked how the United States should respond to climate change. 'It's not a big problem at all,' the leader in opinion polls for the Republican presidential nomination told a radio talk show host. 'If you look at China, they're doing nothing about it.'"

Source: Reuters, 09/28/2015

Alternative Vaccination Schedule Presents More Risks Than Benefits

Donald Trump's statement, during the September 16, 2015, debate, that vaccinations cause autism contradicted science and endangered human lives, doctors say. Moreover, the idea (expressed by several candidates) that scheduling childhood vaccinations less frequently than pediatricians recommend also endangers the health of children.

Source: NPR, 09/18/2015

"Old Coal Mines Still Taint Ohio Waterways"

"The issue of abandoned mines and their legacy of water pollution is not unique to Colorado. Abandoned mines across Ohio have polluted streams and creeks for decades, turning waterways orange and lacing them with sulfuric acid, dissolved metals and toxic sediments."

Source: Columbus Dispatch, 08/14/2015

Koch Donor Fest Ends Leaving Spin, Pledges, Questions about Media

The megabillionaire Koch brothers, whose agenda opposes environmental regulation, have a major impact on Republican politics -- including the 2016 presidential race. Their influence is magnified by the big donors they attract to their causes via semiannual retreats like the one that just ended at a luxury resort near Dana Point, Calif. This year, journalists got limited access to the traditionally secret conclave by agreeing not to disclose donors' identities. Now critics are asking whether such rules compromise the integrity of journalism.

Source: Huffington Post, 08/06/2015
