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Share Your Science Story: SWCC Science Communication 101 With Ive Velikova

Join science communicator and climate educator Ive Velikova in this Science Writers & Communicators of Canada workshop to explore principles of effective communication — emphasizing audience engagement and storytelling. You'll gain skills to convey complex scientific concepts to diverse audiences. 3:00-4:00 p.m. ET on Zoom.

"Swine Fever Threatens Food Source For Millions As Disease Hits Wild Herds"

"Populations of wild pigs are crashing due to the spread of African swine fever (ASF), threatening the livelihoods of millions who depend on them for food, researchers warn. With a fatality rate of almost 100%, ASF has swept across Asia, Europe and Africa, devastating domestic and wild pig populations over the past 10 to 20 years."

Source: Guardian, 01/24/2024

"UN Expert Condemns UK Crackdown On Environmental Protest"

"A severe crackdown on environmental protest in Britain with “draconian” new laws, excessive restrictions on courtroom evidence and the use of civil injunctions is having a chilling impact on fundamental freedoms, the United Nations special rapporteur has said."

Source: Guardian, 01/24/2024

"Why The War In Ukraine Is Bad For Climate Science"

"Lack of data about conditions in the Russian Arctic is already hampering climate science, and will cause ever-growing gaps in our understanding of how climate change affects the fastest-warming region of the planet, scientists warn."

Source: NPR, 01/24/2024
