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IIJ Insurance for Freelancers Webinar

The Institute for Independent Journalists invites you to learn about securing insurance as a freelance journalist, how to manage risk and resources that can protect you.

"As Flooding Increases on the Mississippi, Forests Are Drowning"

"Ever-worsening floods are killing trees at an increasing rate along the upper Mississippi River, and invasive grasses are taking over. The Army Corps of Engineers has launched a project to restore forest and boost tree diversity, and to improve habitat for fish and birds, too."

Source: YaleE360, 03/08/2024

"In Climate-Related Flooding, A Ugandan River Turns Poisonous"

"Uganda’s Nyamwamba river, in the Rwenzori Mountains, has begun to flood catastrophically in recent years, partly due to climate change. Along the river are copper tailings pools from an old Canadian mining operation, which are becoming increasingly eroded by the flooding."

Source: Mongabay, 03/08/2024
