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"Supreme Court Appears Ready To Erode Chevron Doctrine"

"The Supreme Court appears to be seeking a way to diminish the Chevron doctrine — without completely overruling the 40-year-old legal theory that helps federal agencies defend their rules on public health, food safety and climate change."

Source: E&E News, 01/18/2024

SciLine Crash Course: Stats Essentials for Math-Averse Reporters

SciLine's free, one-hour “crash course” — designed for reporters who cover science, health, or environment issues but lack statistics or data training — aims to take the stress out of reporting on the numbers that could be crucial to your next story. Includes Q&A.

SciLine Media Briefing: Renewable Energy and the Grid

SciLine’s next media briefing will summarize progress towards U.S. renewable energy goals and address hurdles that remain for communities—including technical and economic challenges, and ways that everyday life may change for individuals in a renewable future.

"Earthlings Take Note: The Sun Will Be Its Most Active In Two Decades"

"Solar flares, eruptions on the sun’s surface and sunspots are expected to multiply and intensify throughout this year, as our yellow star enters its most active period in two decades. For Earthlings, that could lead to more beautiful dancing aurora far and wide, but also radio blackouts and satellite disruptions."

Source: Washington Post, 01/17/2024

Shell To Sell Nigeria Oil Business; Greens Want Pollution Cleaned Up First

"Shell said Tuesday it agreed to sell its onshore business in Nigeria’s Niger Delta to a consortium of companies in a deal worth $2.4 billion, the latest move by the energy company to limit its exposure in the West African nation amid long-running complaints of environmental pollution caused by the oil industry."

Source: AP, 01/17/2024
