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DEADLINE: The Arab Documentary Photography Program

This program will provide up to eight photographers with a $7,000 grant to work on their projects in their Arab country of residence over a period of 10 months. The grant may be used to begin a new project or to complete work on an existing project. Apply by Jun 13, 2025.

Solutions Journalism 101 Webinar

This Solutions Journalism Network webinar will explore the ins and outs of solutions journalism, talk about why it’s important, explain key steps in reporting a solutions story and share tips and resources for journalists interested in investigating how people are responding to social problems. 9:00 a.m. ET.

Yale Center for Environmental Communication: Climate Activism Without Burnout

Join the Yale Center for Environmental Communication for a conversation with Dr. Laurie Santos on how the climate community can apply scientifically validated strategies to work more effectively and avoid burnout. Noon-1:00 p.m. ET.

IRE AccessFest 2024

This online Investigative Reporters and Editors conference will provide professional development opportunities that focus on DEI issues within the newsroom and in news coverage, as well as past NICAR and IRE Conference sessions on data skills and investigative techniques. Fellowships available; Sep 9 deadline.

DEADLINE: Free Press Unlimited Grants for Cross-Border Investigations

Ten grants, each worth 10,000 EUR, will be awarded by FPU to teams of journalists to produce in-depth, impactful investigative journalism that transcends national borders and addresses critical issues affecting European societies. Apply by Sep 9, 2024.

A Q&A Session With Reporters Shield, a Service To Fight Against SLAPPs and Other Legal Threats

In this webinar, Global Investigative Journalism Network will host a conversation with Clothilde Redfern, executive director of Reporters Shield, a legal support program and defense fund for investigative sites and newsrooms. 9:00 a.m. ET.

Microplastics Are Infiltrating Brain Tissue, Human Organs, Studies Show

"Twenty-four brain samples collected in early 2024 measured on average about 0.5% plastic by weight"

"A growing body of scientific evidence shows that microplastics are accumulating in critical human organs, including the brain, leading researchers to call for more urgent actions to rein in plastic pollution.

Studies have detected tiny shards and specks of plastics in human lungs, placentas, reproductive organs, livers, kidneys, knee and elbow joints, blood vessels and bone marrow.

Source: Guardian, 08/22/2024
