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Marcy Trent Long — SEJ Board Candidate 2024

I am applying for the Board of SEJ because I believe that the best use of my time is to provide opportunities for young journalists around the world. I am late to the field of journalism, having worked my first 25 years in business in Latin America and Asia. In my recent turn toward journalism, however, I have found an abundance of eager, young journalists in Asia who are willing to sacrifice many nights of sleep to work on investigative media about our planet.

Aman Azhar — SEJ Board Candidate 2024

Before joining climate journalism, I worked as broadcast correspondent for over a decade covering foreign policy and politics for TV networks with a global reach. I repurposed my career after realizing that the biggest story of our times is the climate crisis, which has the potential to challenge our wellbeing and disrupt our way of life.

Sam Schramski — SEJ Board Candidate 2024

As an environmental journalist with two decades of experience in news media and nearly as long in the environmental sciences, I am honored to be considered for a board position with the Society of Environmental Journalists. My vision for SEJ is to strengthen its role as a catalyst for impactful environmental reporting in an era of unprecedented global challenges.
