"Canada Lynx Threatened By Rising Temperatures In Maine"
"The rare Canada lynx, whose range has shrunk considerably in recent decades, faces a grave threat from rising temperatures in Maine, federal wildlife experts said on Tuesday."
"The rare Canada lynx, whose range has shrunk considerably in recent decades, faces a grave threat from rising temperatures in Maine, federal wildlife experts said on Tuesday."
"Sockeye salmon are exposed to a soup of chemicals in the Fraser River, and some of the ingredients are accumulating to potentially lethal levels in eggs, while others may be disrupting the sexual function of fish, according to a scientific review conducted for the Cohen Commission."
"SIDNEY, B.C. -- Green Party Leader Elizabeth May tonight became the first Green MP elected to the House of Commons since the party was founded in 1983."
"Illnesses in Canada's aboriginal communities have apparently become an obstacle to promoting the oilsands industry image and growth south of the border, the Canadian government has told its foreign diplomats."
"Conservative leader Stephen Harper has declared that Canada will not ban the export of asbestos -- despite calls from health groups -- because to do so would hurt Canadian industry."
"Canada's annual seal hunt opened Monday off northeastern Newfoundland in an area called The Front, but few sealers went to the ice amid low demand for seal pelts, poor prices and a European Union ban on seal products."
"Quebec is giving conditional support to a project that would revive one of Canada's last-remaining asbestos mines — even though its own public-health experts have condemned the initiative."