
Biden Proposes Raising Acceptable Threshold For Common Agricultural Pesticide

"The Biden administration is proposing to raise a key threshold determining how much of a pesticide that’s commonly used in the agriculture industry the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finds concerning in the environment — spurring ire from some environmental advocates."

Source: The Hill, 12/09/2024

"Rat Poison Harms Endangered Wildlife Up and Down the Food Chain, EPA Warns"

"In humanity’s war against rats, other animals are often collateral. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released its final biological evaluation on rodenticides on Nov. 22 and found that the rat poisons are jeopardizing at least 78 endangered species such as black-footed ferrets and California condors."

Source: Inside Climate News, 12/09/2024

Just One Mutation Can Make H5N1 Bird Flu A Threat To Humans: Researchers

"California researchers say the world may be just one genetic tweak away from human-to-human transmission of the H5N1 bird flu virus — a worrisome mutation that could open the door to widespread human infections and possibly even a pandemic, according to some experts."

Source: LA Times, 12/06/2024

USFWS Adopts Lynx Recovery Plan, Proposes New Critical Habitat Designations

"The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service last week finalized a recovery plan for Canada lynx, a species listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act, and proposed new critical habitat designations to increase federal protections for the winter-adept felines in some areas. "

Source: Daily Montanan, 12/04/2024

"Monarch Butterflies May Soon Get Protections Under Endangered Species Act"

"Monarch populations have plummeted due to habitat loss, pesticide use and climate change. Eastern monarch populations that migrate between Canada and overwintering sites in Mexico are estimated to have declined by more than 80 percent since the 1990s."

Source: NPR, 12/04/2024


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