Economy & Business

"Keystone XL Pipeline Developer Pulls Plug On Controversial Project"

"The firm behind the Keystone XL pipeline officially scrapped the project on Wednesday, months after President Biden revoked a cross-border permit for the controversial pipeline and more than a decade after political wrangling over its fate began."

Source: Washington Post, 06/10/2021
June 21, 2021

DEADLINE: IJNR Ocean and Climate Workshop Series – Northeastern U.S.

The Institute for Journalism & Natural Resources virtual workshop, Jul 7-8, 2021, will focus on the ocean and climate in the NE US. Designed to help journalists explore ocean issues that are underreported in popular media. Apply by June 21.


Amid G-7: Will Rich Countries Help Poor Ones Grapple With Climate Change?

"From his home in Bhutan’s capital of Thimphu, high in the Himalayas, Sonam P. Wangdi has witnessed climate change speed the retreat of glaciers and fuel flash floods in his country. He has watched other developing nations confront rising seas encroaching on Pacific islands and drought plaguing farms in Africa."

Source: Washington Post, 06/08/2021

Is Investor Activism Really Greening Corporate Policy?

Corporate boardrooms are increasingly arenas in the fight over the future of energy and the environment, making it vital for journalists to understand the players, their motivations and the potential impacts on business planning. The new Issue Backgrounder explores the implications of recent news around investment policy, explaining some of its origins and deciphering the shifting scrimmage ahead.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"G7 Backs Making Climate Risk Disclosure Mandatory"

"Group of Seven (G7) rich countries backed moves to force banks and companies to disclose their exposure to climate-related risks on Saturday, a measure seen as vital to efforts to safeguard the financial system from climate change shocks.

G7 finance ministers meeting in London also called for more coordination to measure what impact companies are having on the climate and environment, warning of the risk of fragmentation as local jurisdictions adopt different approaches.

Source: Reuters, 06/07/2021

Biden To Speak Again With GOP Sen. Capito Friday On Infrastructure

"President Joe Biden and Republican Senator Shelley Moore Capito had a “constructive and frank” discussion on Wednesday about revitalizing U.S. infrastructure and agreed to talk again on Friday, the White House said."

Source: Reuters, 06/03/2021

Biden Aims to End Arctic Drilling. A Trump-Era Law Could Foil His Plans

"President Biden may be forced to hold a new lease sale for oil drilling in the pristine Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, despite his vows to slash fossil fuel pollution and his action this week to suspend Arctic drilling leases that had been awarded in the final days of the Trump administration."

Source: NYTimes, 06/03/2021


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