
"‘Forever Chemicals’ Found In Home Fertilizer Made From Sewage Sludge"

"Sewage sludge that wastewater treatment districts across America package and sell as home fertilizer contain alarming levels of toxic PFAS, also known as “forever chemicals”, a new report has revealed. Sludge, which is lightly treated and marketed as “biosolids”, is used by consumers to fertilize home gardens, and the PFAS levels raise concerns that the chemicals are contaminating vegetables and harming those who eat them."

Source: Guardian, 06/01/2021

Regulators Let Pesticides From Factory Pollute Neb. Town For Years

"For years, the people of Mead, Nebraska, have worried about the ethanol plant that moved into their small rural community a little over a decade ago. They feared the terrible smells and odd illnesses in the area might be connected to the plant and its use of pesticide-coated seed corn in its biofuel production process."

Source: Guardian, 05/31/2021

‘Suezmax’ Oil Tankers Could Soon Ply Poisoned Waters of Texas’ Lavaca Bay

"Fishermen and environmentalists say a plan to export crude would require dredging mercury-laced sediment in a Superfund site, imperling oyster reefs and the natural habitat."

Source: Inside Climate News, 05/31/2021

Judge Kills, Slams Bayer’s Plan To Limit Future Roundup Legal Liability

"The federal judge overseeing nationwide Roundup litigation on Wednesday denied Bayer's latest attempt to limit its legal liability from future cancer claims associated with its glyphosate-based herbicides, citing numerous "glaring flaws" in a settlement proposed to apply to Roundup users who have not yet sued the company but may want to do so in the future."

Source: EHN, 05/28/2021

"Bayer, Montrose Chemical Warned of Suit Over Alleged DDT Dumping"

"A California environmental group threatened to sue Montrose Chemical Corp. and Bayer Corp., alleging they’re liable for the dumping of millions of gallons of the pesticide DDT off the waters of Los Angeles that poisoned wildlife."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 05/28/2021

Another Louisiana Bayou Joins List Of Waterways With Mercury-Laden Fish

"The Department of Health announced this week that Little Alabama Bayou, about 20 miles west of Baton Rouge, has fish with unsafe levels of mercury, a heavy metal that can stunt brain development and inflict long-term damage on the kidneys and heart. The bayou runs through the Sherburne Wildlife Management Area, a popular fishing destination."

Source:, 05/26/2021


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