
"EPA Hits Troubled Virgin Islands Oil Refinery With A Violation Notice"

"A giant oil and gas refinery was served with a “notice of violation” by the Environmental Protection Agency following two major accidents that released noxious fumes and a chemical-filled vapor cloud over nearby neighborhoods in the U.S. Virgin Islands."

Source: Washington Post, 05/04/2021

Lawn Chemicals May Make Fertile Soil for Local Environmental Stories

Lawns can be as much bane as boon for homeowners that care for them throughout the United States. But when their maintenance involves the use of pesticides and fertilizers, they become a much wider concern for community health and the surrounding environment. The latest TipSheet combs through the grass for a better understanding of the problem, and offers ideas and resources for local environmental coverage.

SEJ Publication Types: 

More Air Monitoring At Louisiana Industrial Plants? How They Voted

"For years, environmental advocates and neighborhoods close to Louisiana industrial plants have sought more monitoring of air pollution. But a state Senate committee on Tuesday rejected a bill that would have required 473 plants to install real-time air monitoring systems and pay for it."

Source:, 04/30/2021

"EPA Expands Scope of Toxics Inventory With Eye Toward Justice"

"The EPA said Thursday that it’ll expand the scope of its toxics release inventory to include more chemicals and facilities releasing toxic chemicals while providing easier public access to the data."

Source: Bloomberg Environment, 04/30/2021

Court Rules EPA Must Ban Chlorpyrifos Pesticide — Or Prove It Is Safe

"A federal appeals court on Thursday ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency must ban a widely used pesticide linked to neurological damage in children from being sprayed on food crops, unless the agency can demonstrate safe uses for the chemical."

Source: Washington Post, 04/30/2021

'White Gold' Rush: Calif. Lithium In Demand Amid Electric Vehicle Surge

"As demand for electric vehicles heats up, there's concern about a shortage of the key minerals needed to make them. The Biden administration has called for boosting domestic production of such minerals, including lithium for the lithium-ion batteries used in electric vehicles. And that has many hoping for big business in a desolate spot of California's Imperial Valley."

Source: NPR, 04/29/2021

13 U.S. Refineries Exceeded Emissions Limits For Cancer-Causing Benzene

"Thirteen U.S. oil refineries released the cancer-causing chemical benzene in concentrations that exceeded federal limits last year, according to government data published by the green group Environmental Integrity Project (EIP) on Wednesday."

Source: Reuters, 04/29/2021


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