
Gulf Dispersants Called Trade Secret

The exact ingredients of the chemical mixture being sprayed on and pumped into the spreading BP oil spill are secret, even though some are rated toxic and may endanger the health of Gulf residents and ecosystems.

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Local Officials, Residents, in Dark on Nearby Hazardous Rail Cargoes

Sixty-two U.S. urban areas are threatened by hazardous rail cargoes, but federal agencies still refuse to let many firefighters, governments, and citizens know the rail routes used to transport cargoes that could kill tens or hundreds of thousands.

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April 27, 2010

The Supreme Court Revisits NEPA: A Post-Argument Panel on Monsanto v. Geertson Farms

Immediately following oral argument before the Supreme Court on April 27, the Environmental Law Institute will gather attorneys involved in the case for a panel discussion about the argument, their impressions of how the Court will resolve the case, its political and legal context, and implications for the future use of injunctions in environmental cases.


"FDA Says Studies on Triclosan, Used in Sanitizers and Soaps, Raise Concerns"

"The Food and Drug Administration said recent research raises 'valid concerns' about the possible health effects of triclosan, an antibacterial chemical found in a growing number of liquid soaps, hand sanitizers, dishwashing liquids, shaving gels and even socks, workout clothes and toys."

Source: Wash Post, 04/08/2010


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