Planning & Growth

Climate Resiliency — When a Disaster Becomes a Cascade

It sometimes feels like journalists lurch from one catastrophe (or hurricane, flood, wildfire, heat wave) to the next. But that can mean missing the bigger story: Disasters, increasingly linked to climate extremes, are often interlocking events, in which one system failure causes the next and the next. The latest Backgrounder explores three case studies, and how news media can focus attention on steps toward resilience.

SEJ Publication Types: 

How Climate Attribution Science Went Mainstream, and What It Means

A growing body of research shows the links between global warming and extreme weather. And that knowledge can help communities prepare, and assign responsibility for damages. Veteran climate journalist Bob Berwyn lays out the science of climate attribution — for heat waves, flooding, wildfires and, ironically, crop-killing freezes — and discusses its implications for future climate change policy.

SEJ Publication Types: 
March 30, 2022

Worldwide Teach-In on Climate and Justice on March 30, 2022

The Worldwide Teach-In invites climate-concerned faculty, staff and students to join the project, with monthly events preceding the Mar 30 event. Register to get involved. For journalists, there are local, national and international stories to pursue from now until March 30.


Flood-Resistant Building Construction an Overlooked Environmental Story

Recent images of flooded-out homes are a potent reminder to environmental reporters that where and how houses are built are major factors in how they will survive increasingly common extreme weather-related flooding. The latest TipSheet takes a look at how construction and zoning codes play a role, with story ideas and resources to cover the issue in your region.

SEJ Publication Types: 
September 25, 2024 to September 26, 2024

Radically Rural Summit

The Knight Foundation and Lenfest Institute for Journalism have provided grant funding to cover the costs for a select number of journalists to attend the summit in Keene, NH (including transportation, lodging and meals). 



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