Planning & Growth

February 20, 2017 to February 22, 2017

IAIA Special Symposium: Resettlement and Livelihoods

Symposium participants in Manila, Philippines will discuss key learnings on resettlement and livelihoods on urban and rural resettlement projects in Asia. Abstract submissions (for both paper and poster) are invited through 21 November, 2016.

Topics on the Beat: 

"Hidden, Abandoned, Dangerous: Old Gas And Oil Wells In Neighborhoods"

"In many parts of the country, areas that are now full of houses and schools and shopping centers were once oil and gas fields. You wouldn't know it by looking, but hidden underground, there are millions of abandoned wells. New development happening on top of those old wells can create a dangerous situation."

Source: NPR, 05/30/2016

"Climate Change, Runaway Development Worsen Houston Floods"

"With clay soil and tabletop-flat terrain, Houston has endured flooding for generations. Its 1,700 miles of man-made channels struggle to dispatch storm runoff to the Gulf of Mexico. Now the nation's fourth-largest city is being overwhelmed with more frequent and more destructive floods."

Source: AP, 05/20/2016


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