Planning & Growth

Sea-Level Rise: Gentrification As High Ground Becomes Hot Property

"MIAMI — One of the first sea-level rise maps Broadway Harewood saw was a few years back, when climate activists gathered in his neighborhood to talk about how global warming would affect people in less-affluent South Florida communities."

Source: ClimateWire, 05/02/2017

Get Wise on Water Rule

Wondering what WOTUS is? Or how the Clean Water Rule relates to the Clean Water Act and to the Section 404 permitting program meant to prevent the destruction of U.S. wetlands? Our Beat Basics column explains the history and background of the rule to help you cover White House, EPA and court action likely ahead.

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"What Cities Looked Like Before the EPA"

"The Environmental Protection Agency has a murky future in the Trump administration. Hours before the President promised in his address to Congress 'to promote clean air and clear water,' he signed an executive order to roll back an Obama-era EPA clean water rule. Whatever happens to the EPA, this might be a good time to reflect on its legacy, especially in urban spaces. Though environmentalism conjures 'America the Beautiful' images of purple mountains and unspoiled wilderness, much of the EPA’s heaviest lifting in rescuing this nation from its own filth happened in cities."

Source: CityLab, 03/03/2017

Omnibus Politics: Building an Infrastructure Program

Democrats and Republications may agree on a vast federal program to build and repair the nation's crumbling infrastructure, but still uncertain is what will be built, how it will be paid for and who will vote for it. TipSheet looks at the politics of public works (what journalists used to call "pork").

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