Energy & Fuel

"How Do Neighbors of Solar Farms Really Feel? A New Survey Has Answers"

"For people living within three miles of a large solar farm, positive attitudes about the development outnumber negative ones by about a three-to-one margin, according to a new national survey released this week by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory."

Source: Inside Climate News, 04/19/2024

"The U.S. Just Changed How It Manages A Tenth Of Its Land"

"For decades, the federal government has prioritized oil and gas drilling, hardrock mining and livestock grazing on public lands across the country. That could soon change under a far-reaching Interior Department rule that puts conservation, recreation and renewable energy development on equal footing with resource extraction."

Source: Washington Post, 04/19/2024

Explosive Levels Of Methane Detected Near Berkeley Landfill-Turned-Park

"Brimming with wildlife and offering panoramic views of San Francisco Bay, César Chávez Park welcomes visitors who might never suspect this stretch of shoreline was built atop a municipal landfill. But beneath the sprawling grasslands and charming hiking trails, decomposing waste continues to generate methane gas."

Source: LA Times, 04/18/2024

"Trump Rails Against Wind Energy In Fundraising Pitch To Oil Executives"

"“I hate wind,” the former president told oil industry officials at a recent Mar-a-Lago dinner, doubling down on promises to end this form of clean energy."

Source: Washington Post, 04/18/2024

"A Heat Pump ‘Petting Zoo’? This Fair Helps Americans Green Their Homes."

"A loose line of people snaked from a doorway in the side of a cargo truck. One young boy wandered over to examine several bales of hay stacked nearby while others waiting craned their necks to get a peek inside. A small sign in the shape of a barn stuck over the open door read, “Petting Zoo.”

Source: Washington Post, 04/17/2024

Philly Steaks Out New Ground

It just wouldn’t be the Society of Environmental Journalists annual conference recap without the waggish tales of SEJ’s resident wit, David Helvarg, who once again this year skewers the lot of us, sparing not a jot of our five days in Philadelphia. Read on and prepare to snicker.

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