Environmental Health

Toxic Contamination Of S. Calif. Coast Lives On Decades Later: Study

"Toxic pesticides dumped off Southern California’s coast decades ago are staying put — deep in adjacent ocean sediments and in the fish that reside in these habitats, a new study has found."

Source: The Hill, 10/29/2024
October 31, 2024

SciLine Experts on Camera: Environmental Contamination After Hurricanes With Dr. Weihsueh Chiu

Dr. Weihsueh Chiu of Texas A&M will be available from 10 a.m-noon ET for 15-minute 1-on-1 Zoom interviews. He can discuss types of hurrican-damage pollution; how preparations for hurricanes and damage to infrastructure lead to pollution; environmental remediation; and how hurricane-related pollution impacts human health.


Water Firms In England ‘Passed’ Pollution Tests That Were Never Carried Out

"Water firms “passed” thousands of pollution tests under a self-monitoring regime … yet the tests were never even conducted, the Observer can reveal. The water firms’ own operational data for sewage plants across the country reveals how outflows of effluent had stopped – in some cases for just a few hours – on days that samples were supposed to be taken."

Source: Guardian, 10/28/2024

Bad State Data May Misdirect $1 Billion In US Funds To Replace Lead Pipes

"The Environmental Protection Agency is at risk of misallocating nearly $1 billion in lead pipe replacement funding to the wrong states because it didn’t verify inaccurate data provided by Texas and Florida, an agency watchdog announced."

Source: AP, 10/25/2024

Bayer’s New Roundup Products Appear More Toxic Than Prior Formulations

"New types of Roundup weed killing products marketed to US consumers contain chemicals that pose greater health risks to people than prior formulations suspected of causing cancer, according to an analysis by an environmental health advocacy group. The report was disputed by Bayer, which called the analysis “deeply flawed.”"

Source: The New Lede, 10/24/2024

EPA Gives Chicago Decades to Replace Lead Pipes, Leaving Many at Risk

"Advocates say vulnerable communities can’t afford to wait 20 years for service line replacement and that more outreach is required."

Source: Inside Climate News, 10/24/2024


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