Environmental Health

"Water Quality Advocates Ask Virginia For More Aggressive PFAS Policies"

"In Virginia, laws passed so far require agencies to find and address specific sources of PFAS pollution when they have contaminated a public drinking water system. But clean water advocates want the state to require more monitoring now at facilities known to be possible sources of PFAS so that action can be taken more quickly when additional federal limits are finalized."

Source: Bay Journal, 10/30/2024

"Supreme Court Ignites Wave Of Lawsuits Against Federal Regulations"

"Major businesses and their lobbying groups have seized on a set of recent Supreme Court decisions that sharply limit the government’s regulatory powers, aiming to advance dozens of lawsuits that could invalidate a vast array of federal climate, education, health and labor rules."

Source: Washington Post, 10/30/2024

Toxic Contamination Of S. Calif. Coast Lives On Decades Later: Study

"Toxic pesticides dumped off Southern California’s coast decades ago are staying put — deep in adjacent ocean sediments and in the fish that reside in these habitats, a new study has found."

Source: The Hill, 10/29/2024
October 31, 2024

SciLine Experts on Camera: Environmental Contamination After Hurricanes With Dr. Weihsueh Chiu

Dr. Weihsueh Chiu of Texas A&M will be available from 10 a.m-noon ET for 15-minute 1-on-1 Zoom interviews. He can discuss types of hurrican-damage pollution; how preparations for hurricanes and damage to infrastructure lead to pollution; environmental remediation; and how hurricane-related pollution impacts human health.


Water Firms In England ‘Passed’ Pollution Tests That Were Never Carried Out

"Water firms “passed” thousands of pollution tests under a self-monitoring regime … yet the tests were never even conducted, the Observer can reveal. The water firms’ own operational data for sewage plants across the country reveals how outflows of effluent had stopped – in some cases for just a few hours – on days that samples were supposed to be taken."

Source: Guardian, 10/28/2024


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