"The ‘Horror Story’ of Hazardous Waste in a Small Pennsylvania Town"
"An EPA investigation confirmed residents’ worst fears about operations at an industrial landfill. What happens next is all too uncertain."
"An EPA investigation confirmed residents’ worst fears about operations at an industrial landfill. What happens next is all too uncertain."
"The president’s deregulatory blitz might crash into the same repetitive setback from his first term: court defeats stemming from procedural fumbles."
"President Donald Trump in recent days has relied on a White House policy shop — the Council on Environmental Quality — to take a sledgehammer to what’s known as the “Magna Carta” of environmental laws."
"More than 200 employees at the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) have been fired, according to the Department of Homeland Security, which oversees FEMA. ... The loss is likely to hinder FEMA's ability to respond to disasters, according to several current and former FEMA employees who spoke on the condition of anonymity over concerns of reprisal."
"Rats in Riverside County are the latest mammal species to be infected with H5N1 bird flu. Identification of virus in rats raises concerns about potential infection pathways to people and their pets"
"For the past 25 years, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has helped develop building codes, the construction standards that help houses survive hurricanes, wildfires and earthquakes. Now, the Trump Administration has ordered that to stop, according to people involved with the work."
"The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency faces a legal challenge after approving a controversial plan to include radioactive waste in a road project late last year."
"Staff at the office, a branch of the U.S. housing department that Congress uses to address the worst catastrophes, would be reduced by 84 percent."
"Scientists launch a new research center to study what they say is now a leading disease risk factor: corporations."
"President Donald Trump is expanding White House control over independent agencies in a move his critics view as an alarming power grab."