Environmental Health

"Tainted Water Flows From Taps of Rural Valley Homes"

For many poor families in California's rural San Joaquin Valley, the drinking water that comes from the tap is unhealthful -- often polluted by the same large-scale agriculture that gives them jobs. Pollution of private wells is a problem that spreads nationwide.

Mark Grossi reports for the Fresno Bee October 1, 2011.


Source: Fresno Bee, 10/03/2011

"The Trouble With Health Problems Near Gas Fracking"

Many people have told stories of getting severely sick near natural gas wells, especially ones using the controversial fracking technique. One of the biggest barriers to determining whether the gas production is causing illness is the gas industry's resistance to disclosing the toxic emissions and hazardous wastes they generate.

Abrahm Lustgarten and Nicholas Kusnetz originally reported the story for ProPublica September 16, 2011.


Source: ProPublica, 09/30/2011

Some Pediatricians Refuse To Treat Children Without Immunizations

"When Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) recently suggested that the human papillomavirus vaccine — recommended for girls and young women to protect against cervical cancer — was dangerous and could cause mental retardation, the American Academy of Pediatrics pushed back hard. The AAP, which represents 60,000 pediatricians, issued a statement saying the claim had 'absolutely no scientific validity.'"

Source: Wash Post, 09/29/2011

"Thriller 'Contagion' Catches Some Truth, Doctors Say"

"The glassy stares of the dead, the garbage piling up in the streets, the frightened, angry mobs smashing their way into drugstores and attacking food lines. The images in the thriller Contagion may be delivered with Hollywood flair, but they also have a ring of truth to those on the medical front lines.

Source: USA TODAY, 09/23/2011
December 5, 2011 to December 9, 2011

Global South-South Development Expo 2011 in Rome

The Global South-South Development Expo (GSSD) is the first-ever expo to showcase successful Southern-grown development solutions (SDSs) to address the need to meet Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for the Global South.



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