Environmental Justice

Gathering Offers Sobering Look Ahead at 2024, But With Glimmers of Hope

Top environmental journalists and others at the Society of Environmental Journalists annual “Journalists’ Guide to Environment and Energy” program foresee some challenging realities to cover in 2024, most notably with the ongoing impacts of climate change. Bright signs emerged as well. Read our take, watch the event video and visit our full “2024 Journalists’ Guide to Environment + Energy” special report.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Los Angeles Will Offer More Energy Incentives to Low-Income Residents"

"Los Angeles said on Thursday that it would build electric vehicle chargers and offer bigger rebates for the purchase of battery-powered cars in response to a new report that concluded that low-income people were being left behind in the transition to clean energy."

Source: NYTimes, 11/17/2023

Corruption, Rights Abuses Flourish in Lithium Mining Across Africa: Report

"A new report from the nonprofit Global Witness validates civil society groups’ concerns about exploitative labor practices and environmental destruction associated with lithium mining. The report, released Tuesday, identifies multiple alleged incidents of corruption, unsafe working conditions, forced evictions, child labor and harmful environmental practices tied to lithium mining in Zimbabwe, Namibia and the Democratic Republic of Congo."

Source: Inside Climate News, 11/16/2023

Floods, Fires, Dysfunction — Another Year Ahead of Faltering Steps on Environment, Energy

In our annual look-ahead on the environment and energy beat in 2024, we see a bumpy ride on global climate change talks coupled with more climate-driven disasters, even amid the evolving energy transition. And we see possible risks to ocean life from deep sea mining and continuing risks to human life from pollution of air, water and land. Insights in our overview and our full “2024 Journalists’ Guide to Environment & Energy” special report.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"US Faces Almost Daily Hazardous Chemical Accidents, Research Suggests"

"Hazardous chemical accidents are occurring almost daily, on average, in the United States, exposing people to dangerous toxins through fires, explosions, leaks, spills and other releases, according to a new analysis by non-profit researchers."

Source: Guardian/New Lede, 11/10/2023

Baltimore, Maryland Dept. of Environment Settle Lawsuits Over Sewage Plants

"Environmental advocates hope an agreement negotiated earlier this month by Baltimore City, the state Department of the Environment and the nonprofit Blue Water Baltimore to upgrade the city’s two wastewater treatment plants will help meet the state’s Chesapeake Bay restoration goals."

Source: Inside Climate News, 11/08/2023


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