Environmental Justice

Proposed Youngstown Tires-To-Gas Plant Paused Over Environmental Justice

"Officials in Youngstown, Ohio, have dealt a setback to a company’s plan to build and operate a recycled tire waste-to-energy plant near the center of the city and adjacent to a neighborhood of predominantly Black residents, enacting a one-year moratorium on such industrial processes."

Source: Inside Climate News, 01/04/2024

‘Major’ Problem in Texas: Polluters Evade Federal Law and Get Away With It

"Industrial developers describe facilities as “minor” polluters to avoid federal permitting requirements, and environmental lawyers say the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality lets it happen."

Source: Inside Climate News, 01/03/2024

"Many on Gulf Coast Say Time Is Running Out For EPA To Act On Toxic Air"

"As a girl growing up near refineries and chemical factories in this part of the Gulf Coast, 77-year-old Lois Malvo thought nothing of the way her eyes burned when she played outside. Now she sees dangers all around her."

Source: Washington Post, 01/02/2024

Environmental Digital Storytelling — A Best-in-Show Sampler

As part of its periodic survey of the compelling work by digital journalists using data and multimedia, Reporter’s Toolbox looks at some favorite projects in the last year or so. On the list are granular maps and spinning globes, compelling photo essays and clickable storytelling. But the heart of the best digital journalism, Toolbox reminds us, is that it matters. And these do.

SEJ Publication Types: 

California Exports Hazardous Waste. Mexico Neighborhood Shows Consequences

"An ongoing CalMatters investigation has shown how California companies and governments avoid the Golden State’s strict environmental regulations by shipping toxic waste across state borders. New reporting shows how California exports the risk to Mexico."

Source: CalMatters, 12/21/2023

New Mexico Extends Ban On Oil And Gas Leasing Around Sacred Chaco Park

"New oil and natural gas leasing will be prohibited on state land surrounding Chaco Culture National Historical Park, an area sacred to Native Americans, for the next 20 years under an executive order by New Mexico Land Commissioner Stephanie Garcia Richard."

Source: AP, 12/15/2023


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