Environmental Justice

June 3, 2024


Story Money Impact (SMI) invites applications until Jun 3, 2024 for the fourth edition of this eight-month program, which aims to support five completed documentary films that inspire action towards social and/or environmental justice issues in Canada. Choose one of two Zoom info sessions offered May 13 and May 17.


"The Next Big U.S. Power Plant Fight Is Coming"

"On Monday, several outlets broke the story that the Biden administration is planning to release a plan to regulate carbon emissions from power plants. And even though the rule isn’t public yet, if history is any indication, conservative forces are already getting ready to take the EPA to court."

Source: Earther, 04/25/2023

EPA Settlement Forces Chemical Plant To Cut Cancer-Causing Air Pollutants

"A German company has agreed to substantially reduce air pollutants from a chemical plant near LaPlace, according to a settlement reached this week with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Source: New Orleans Times-Picayune, 04/25/2023

2023 Goldman Environmental Prize Winners Include Texas Gulf Coast Defender

"Grassroots activists who took on British mining giants and a serial plastics polluter – and won – are among this year’s recipients of the world’s most prestigious environmental prize."

Source: Guardian, 04/25/2023

Why Journalists Should Investigate the Twin Mental Health and Climate Crises

The complicated interplay between climate change and trauma, poorly understood and little covered, is holding back the response by individuals and communities to the realities of the climate crisis, argues the head of a network of mental health and other organizations. Here’s what he has found when it comes to how climate-generated anguish is blocking climate solutions and what can be done about it.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Reporters Can Address Uncertainty Over Local Risk of Rising Seas

U.S. coastal counties are home to 127 million people, making the risk to life and property of flooding from sea level rise a serious one. But how great that risk is varies widely from place to place. So the latest TipSheet makes the case for environmental journalists to explain the local reality to their audiences. Get context, story ideas and resources to do just that.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"The Giving Forest"

"Amid the sprawling farmlands of northeast Wisconsin, the Menominee forest feels like an elixir, and a marvel. Its trees press in, towering and close, softening the air, a dense emerald wilderness that’s home to wolves, bears, otters, warblers and hawks, and that shows little hint of human hands. Yet over the last 160 years, much of this forest has been chopped down and regrown nearly three times."

Source: NYTimes, 04/24/2023

"E.P.A. to Propose First Controls on Greenhouse Gases From Power Plants"

"President Biden’s administration is poised to announce limits on greenhouse gas emissions from power plants that could compel them to capture the pollution from their smokestacks, technology now used by fewer than 20 of the nation’s 3,400 coal and gas-fired plants, according to three people who were briefed on the rule."

Source: NYTimes, 04/24/2023

"Biden to Create White House Office of Environmental Justice"

"President Biden on Friday plans to announce the creation of a White House Office of Environmental Justice, one of several actions to address the unequal burden that people of color carry from environmental hazards, according to the White House."

Source: NYTimes, 04/21/2023


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