Environmental Politics

"Together a Century, City and Oil Giant Hit a Rough Patch"

"RICHMOND, Calif. -- The Chevron refinery’s massive oil storage tanks sit on the hills overlooking this small, impoverished city in San Francisco’s East Bay. Painted earthen red to blend with the natural surroundings, the tanks cannot help dominating the city’s skyline, much the way the oil giant itself has long shaped Richmond’s identity, economy and politics."

Source: NY Times, 01/04/2013

Oil Rig off Alaska Is Damaged but Not Leaking: Shell, Coast Guard Say

"A Shell Oil drilling rig that ran aground in the Gulf of Alaska has incurred water damage to its deck and electrical systems but is otherwise stable, officials with the response team handling the accident said Thursday."

Source: NY Times, 01/04/2013

"Farm Bill Extension Evidence Of Ag Sector's Lost Political Clout"

"WASHINGTON -- A patchwork extension of federal farm programs passed as part of a larger 'fiscal cliff' bill keeps the price of milk from rising but doesn't include many of the goodies that farm-state lawmakers are used to getting for their rural districts."

Source: AP, 01/04/2013

"Sandy Aid: John Boehner Promises Votes As Soon As Friday"

"WASHINGTON -- It was just Wednesday morning that lawmakers were lining up on the House floor to slam House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) for delaying a vote on a relief package for Hurricane Sandy victims until the next Congress, with some Republicans even vowing to vote against Boehner for House speaker over the matter."

Source: Huffington Post, 01/03/2013


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