
South Carolina Farmer Adapts Heirloom Rice to Withstand Climate Change

"“When I was a kid, my parents were growing no rice; all the rice had vanished,” says Hardeeville, South Carolina horticulturist Rollen Chalmers with a soft lilt to his voice. Though the generations-deep Gullah tradition of growing rice had faded by the time Chalmers was growing up, he tapped into his family’s experience later in life."

Source: Civil Eats, 09/16/2020

Bringing Stories Home Under Lockdown, With Remote Video Interviews

They’ve long been a staple of the news business. But now, with the pandemic continuing to keep journalists from their subjects, remote video interviews have become an essential tool. And even newbie video reporters can quickly learn the basics. Science video producer Eli Kintisch shares a quick eight-step remote video setup and some simple tricks of the trade, in this SEJournal how-to.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Black Urban Farmers Dig To Uproot U.S. 'Food Apartheid'"

"In a backyard in the Bronx in the mid-1980s, a vine laden with sweet-smelling tomatoes came as a revelation to urban gardening guru Karen Washington. 'It was tomatoes that really got me hooked on growing food, because I hated tomatoes,' she said, laughing at the memory."

Source: Thomson Reuters Fdn., 07/29/2020

"Navajo Nation Sees Farming Renaissance During Coronavirus Pandemic"

"Historically Navajos have lived off the land. But decades of assimilation, forced relocation and dependence on federal food distribution programs changed that. Navajo farmer Tyrone Thompson is on a mission to help people return to their roots. He's even taken to social media to teach traditional farming techniques."

Source: NPR, 07/29/2020


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