
"5th Circuit Judges Shrug Off Critics, Hang Onto Oil Investments"

"Despite criticism over perceived ties to oil and gas companies, judges of the New Orleans-based federal appeals court that frequently handles cases affecting the energy industry have made little effort to divest themselves of investments that could create conflicts of interest, according to new financial disclosure statements."

Source: Greenwire, 06/27/2011

New NOAA Fishery Advisers Appointed

Thirteen new members join the ranks; 8 others are reappointed. The shift in members provides an opportunity to explore what each Council has been doing, whether the new people will shift its direction (and NOAA's), and what the fishing industry, the public, and various interest groups think about past decisions and future directions.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 

With 800k Facilities, EPA's ECHO Database Holds News for Your Town

It's a convenient way to access inspection, violation, and enforcement information under the Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, and hazardous waste laws. It's more visual than ever, and includes map interfaces and reports that help you tell your readers and viewers how pollution affects their locality.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 

Watchdog Says Obama Not Protecting Whistleblower Scientists

New documents, released only after a lawsuit, to Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility show the White House is telling agencies they can stick with existing practices when it comes to political interference with science — and do just about anything they want.

SEJ Publication Types: 
Topics on the Beat: 

EPA Outs 150 Chemicals Claiming Trade Secret Status Under TSCA

The chemicals, the identities of which had been withheld up till now based on companies' "confidential business information" claims, are used in products like oil dispersants, air fresheners, non-stick and stain-resistant materials, fire-resistant materials, nonylphenol compounds, perfluorinated compounds, and lead.

SEJ Publication Types: 
July 12, 2011 to July 14, 2011

5th International Conference on Sustainable Development and Planning

The Fifth International Conference on Sustainable Development and Planning in the UK builds upon a series that started in 2003 in Skiathos (Greece) and evolved to another three conferences in Bologna (2005), the Algarve (2007) and Cyprus (2009). The conference addresses the subject of regional development in an integrated way as well as in accordance with the principles of sustainability.

June 21, 2011 to June 23, 2011

First International Conference on Food and Environment - The Quest for a Sustainable Future

The First International Conference on Food and the Environment in the UK will focus on a variety of issues affecting food production and distribution including those related to natural and anthropogenic causes. The conference will emphasise the effects of modern food production processes and how they can affect human health.



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