Journalism & Media

"This Group Is Sharpening the GOP Attack On ‘Woke’ Wall Street"

"Bankrolled by mysterious donors, a little-known group named Consumers’ Research has emerged as a key player in the conservative crusade to prevent Wall Street from factoring climate change into its investment decisions."

Source: Washington Post, 01/31/2023

EPA Proposes Revisions to FOIA Rule. They Are Not Enough

When the Trump-era Environmental Protection Agency changed regulations governing freedom of information requests, journalists worried they were making it easier for political appointees to interfere with disclosures. Now the Biden administration is proposing a rules revision. But, as the latest WatchDog Opinion argues, it’s missing an opportunity to rid the regime of those critical flaws.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Cascadia Bioregion Rife With Energy, Environment Troubles To Report in 2023

Iconic critters like salmon, orca and wolves. Climate controversies like natural gas greenwashing and carbon auctions. And wildfire fallout like “smoke-a-geddon.” These are just some of the wide array of stories worth covering as environmental journalists scan Cascadia, the huge area encompassing Washington, Oregon and Idaho, and stretching from Alaska to Utah. This special TipSheet, part of our 2023 Journalists’ Guide to Energy & Environment, outlines top issues in the region, offering insights, resources and story angles.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Exploring the Impacts of Hydroelectric Megaprojects on Indigenous Lands

Nearly two-thirds of the world’s rivers are impeded by dams and we keep building them in our quest for cleaner and greener sources of electricity. But as podcast producer Farha Akhtar learned while producing a recent episode, these monumental structures are having a profound impact on our planet and catastrophic consequences for many Indigenous people.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Silencing Science: How Indonesia Is Censoring Wildlife Research"

"Under President Joko Widodo, Indonesia has gained international praise for its conservation policies. But now the government is clamping down on scientists who are questioning official claims that the country’s endangered orangutan and rhino populations are increasing."

Source: YaleE360, 01/26/2023
February 9, 2023

SEJ's 2023 Journalists' Guide to Energy & Environment

What will be some of the top stories for energy and environmental journalists to cover in 2023? Environmental justice, climate change and biodiversity, clean energy and the critical minerals rush, wildfire and public lands management, indoor air quality and salmon and dams, and we'll be touring and discussing all these issues and more at SEJ's 32nd annual conference in Boise, Idaho, April 19-23. Join SEJ virtually at 1:00 p.m. ET for a look at the year ahead in the just-released "Journalists' Guide to Energy & Environment," moderated by #SEJ2023 co-chair Tom Michael. You'll also get a preview of #SEJ2023 agenda and issues.


Determined Grantee Weaves Together Unique Project on Ash Trees, Wetlands and Baskets

When the global pandemic interfered with independent journalist Gabriel Popkin’s plans for a grant-funded biodiversity reporting project on the emerald ash borer, an invasive pest threatening ash forests, he came up with a surprising solution. In this FEJ StoryLog, Popkin shares how he worked around travel shutdowns and subsequent story pitch rejections to ultimately discover an alternative storytelling option to keep his project alive.

SEJ Publication Types: 

Publication Indexes — Roadmaps to Environmental Science Journals … and News

Findings from scientific research provide many a news lead on the environment beat, and even reporters not closely attuned to the world of scientific journals can use them to find stories. The latest Reporter’s Toolbox offers up one key: indexes. They can guide you to abstracts and free versions of otherwise costly publications. A list of indexes to try. Plus, a half-dozen other pro tips.

SEJ Publication Types: 

"Big Tech Helps Big Oil Spread Subtle Climate Denialism"

"Fossil-fuel companies’ climate messaging may have changed to fit the new century, but the goal is the same the industry has had for  decades: to delay action and protect profits for as long as possible. Even in the face of an increasingly obvious climate emergency, this message still resonates with many people. Maybe that’s because the biggest social media companies help amplify it."

Source: Bloomberg, 01/24/2023
January 26, 2023

ICFJ Webinar: ChatGPT, Journalism and AI Storytelling

This International Center for Journalists webinar will guide attendees to better understand, cover and effectively utilize and deploy ChatGPT and artificial intelligence (AI), and will explore the key issues regarding ChatGPT currently, how the AI landscape is evolving and what all this means for journalists. 10:30 a.m. ET.

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